In January of 2018, David Anderton, Phil Roach and Joel Weissman of Integ’s team met with Royce Armstrong of Lifeway Christian Resources. This 30-year relationship with Integ has allowed us the honor of printing songbooks and many other Lifeway publications.
During this visit, Integ’s team discussed the print relationship and how we could expand our print offerings as well as taking a tour of the new Lifeway Corporate Headquarters. Mr. Anderton stated,”Lifeway’s headquarters relocation in Nashville, TN showcased incredible architecture and reflected the corporate culture and dedication to their vision of ‘One Lifeway’. We are honored to have this long-standing relationship with Lifeway and look forward to serving and meeting their needs any way we can.”
Looking for songbook printing or other print needs? Contact us today or give us a call at 254.754.4653.
- Phil, Royce & Joel
- Phil, Royce & Joel
- Lifeway Headquarters
- Lifeway Headquarters
- Lifeway Headquarters
- David Anderton at the Ryman